Why is Golf a Good Fitness Program For Your Parents?

Your parents want to be more active, but they haven’t found anything that interests them yet. They’re interested in trying golf and National Golf Month is a good time to give it a try. Before you get started, take them to a miniature golf course and see what they think. They may love it and want to try a full course.

Golf is a recommended form of exercise. It’s low-impact for the most part as the bulk of the exercise involves walking. This makes it a good choice if your parents are trying to strengthen their leg muscles and improve stamina.

The Benefits of Golf

Home Care in Deer Park, WA: National Golf Month

The biggest benefit of golf is the walking that’s required. Don’t rent a golf cart. Instead, walk the full course. A regulation course is around four miles. That’s a lot of walking if you skip the cart.

A full 18-hole course may be a bit much at first. Play 9 holes instead. It’s still a lot of walking. Your mom and dad may want to take breaks from time to time. Be sure you walk at their pace and take breaks as needed. If they need to cut the game short, it’s okay. They’ll build up stamina over time.

Swinging the clubs works out the muscles in the arms and shoulders. The twisting motion also gives the sides, hips, and legs a workout. For that reason, golf can give the entire body a workout.

Spending time in the sun is good for mental health. Sun rays do boost vitamin D. As long as your parents are wearing sunscreen and a hat to protect the eyes and face from too much sun, they’ll benefit from the sun and fresh air.

Saving Money on Your Golf Outings

It does cost money to play golf. You can save money by finding courses with senior discounts, early memberships, or other specials. If you show up for a late game of golf and only plan to play 9 holes, it will save money.

Look at package deals too. Some golf courses offer discounted rates that include the golf pass, gift certificate for lunch, and bucket of balls for the driving range. Make it a full day outing and get plenty of exercise and enjoy a meal together.

Keep your parents on track when it comes to fitness goals. With elderly care services, they have someone to join them on walks, complete recommended exercises, and help apply sunscreen. Elderly care aides can also help your parents make nutritionally sound meal choices and prepare meals if they can’t do it without assistance.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Deer Park, WA please contact the caring staff at Angel Senior Care today at (509) 326-4357.