Senior Care

In-Home Care

Includes providers of licensed health care services in the home, hospital, or residential homes, and companies that provide non-medical assistance.

Senior Care

Independent Retirement Communities

Communities where seniors live independently in their own home/unit. Some offer amenities & services such as transportation, meals, activities, housekeeping, includes retirement communities, apartments, continuing care communities & active adult communities.

Senior Care

Assisted Living Communities

Living A combination of housing, personalized supportive services, and health care designed to meet the needs of those needing help with the activities of daily living.

Senior Care

Adult Family Homes

An adult family care home provides a full-time, family-type living arrangement in a private home for up to five elders or people with disabilities, who are not related to the owner.

Senior Care

Specialized Memory Care Neighborhoods

Communities offering specialized programs for residents suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of memory loss and dementia. These programs can also be offered by care homes, assisted living or nursing communities.

Senior Care

Skilled Nursing Facilities

Communities licensed to provide health care and services involved in managing complex and potentially serious medical problems. Most provide rehabilitation services as well.

Senior Event
Senior Woman
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